Please note that the Zoning Hearing Board Application is available by download only
Forms to be completed and information submitted at the time of filing the application:
- A Building/Zoning Permit Application
- Five(5) copies of the Zoning Hearing Board Application. If necessary, use additional sheets and attach them to the application.
- Five(5) copies of the plot plan prepared in accordance with the instruction contained within the application. The plot plan must be accurate and drawn to scale.
- A Zoning Hearing Board application fee of $600.00. When paying by check, make payable to Elizabeth Township.
Miscellaneous Information:
- The Elizabeth Township Zoning Hearing Board schedules its meetings for the second Wednesday of each month at 7PM at the Municipal Office. To be considered, the applicant must submit all required information no later than the fifth(5th) day of the preceding month prior to the scheduled meeting. If the application is not complete, the application will either be returned to the applicant or if the additional information can be provided resulting in a complete application, it will be held until the following month.
- The Zoning Hearing Board is permitted forty-five(45) days following the closing of the testimony at the last hearing on an application to render a decision.
- There is a thirty (30) day appeal period following the issuance of a decision by the Zoning Hearing Board in which an appeal may be filed with the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County to reverse or limit said decision.
- Unless otherwise specified by the Board or by law, a variance or special exception shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a zoning permit within one (I) year of the date of authorization by the Board or by the Court if the special exception or variance has been granted after an appeal. A variance or special exception shall also expire if the applicant fails to complete any rection, construction, reconstruction, alteration or change in use authorized by the special exception or variance within two (2) years from the date of authorization by the Board or the Court. The Board, for reasonable cause shown, may extend the approval for an additional period of one (1) year.
- Any questions regarding the application or process may be directed to Scott Hain of David Miller and Associates @ 717.898.3402. The Zoning Officer also is available to meet, if scheduled ahead of time.
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