General Information

Elizabeth Township consists of approximately 32 township-owned road miles as well as several bridges. There are also approximately 26 state-owned road miles in the Township.

The Township road crew is responsible for road and bridge construction and maintenance on Township roads, installation and maintenance of road signs and winter snow and ice control.

Road Projects

Public WorksProposed Road Projects for 2025 have been finalized.

The Township will be working on various roads this year including many of the roads west of Route 501 and north of West Brubaker Valley Rd, many of which may be oil and chipped. This project is slated to begin in the summer.

Regular maintenance work will also be done on Township roads.


Snow and Ice Control Policy

“No two snowflakes are the same, so isn’t it inspiring the way they work together on joint projects – such as blockading a highway?” – Taken from AAA Lancaster Motorist

Elizabeth Township is responsible for snow removal on Township roads only. The Township also has a contract with PA DOT and is responsible for snow and ice control on East Brubaker Valley Road, which is a State road.

The road crew makes every effort to clear roadways as quickly as possible during inclement weather. It is the intention of Elizabeth Township to meet the needs of first responders, residents and travelers by providing the safest possible road conditions during snow and ice events. Be aware that snow may end up being moved into places that you, as a resident, may not like.

It will be the goal of the road crew to open all roads initially (to allow for quick response time for first responders) and when that has been accomplished, the roads will be widened. Main roads will be given priority snow-removal attention, followed by streets and cul-de-sacs in subdivisions.

Residents can assist the Township by adhering to the following:

  • Park in driveways, not in the road right-of way.
  • Never park in cul-de-sacs. Residents living along cul-de-sacs are requested to place markers along the edge of the roadway.
  • Wait until the road is plowed before clearing your driveway.
  • Never shovel snow into the road.
  • Always be alert for Township or State vehicles salting or plowing; maintain a reasonable distance from snow removal vehicles.

PARENTS: Please keep children from playing in or around snow banks that are along the edge of the roadway or shoulder of the road. Visibility is poor during a snow storm and accidents can happen in a split second.

To report poor road conditions on Township roads, please call 717-626-4302 and leave a message.


It is unlawful to throw, blow, shovel, push or in any way put snow onto a Township or State roadway or street. People that use plows and plow the snow across the roadway need to push it back off the edge of the road so that water can drain, or so that the pile of snow does not freeze and create an obstruction to the traveling public. Township road crews spend long hours to clear the roads and streets to make them as safe as they can. It is very frustrating to see snow back on a road or street that was once cleared.