This guideline was prepared to assist you in planning your project. By properly submitting the necessary information, the Zoning Officer will be able to swiftly process your Zoning Permit application. Your project will be evaluated to confirm compliance with the Elizabeth Township Zoning Ordinance.

If your project is not in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance (permitted use, setbacks from property lines, lot coverage allowance, etc.), you may need to obtain a variance or special exception from the Elizabeth Township Zoning Hearing Board prior to obtaining a Zoning Permit.

Along with this completed application, a plot plan and any supplemental information must be submitted before this application will be reviewed. The Zoning Permit fee must be submitted at the time of application.

Please reference the checklists at the side of this page and make sure that everything necessary is submitted.

Questions regarding this procedure should be directed to Scott Hain of David Miller and Associates @ 717.898.3402.  Office hours may be available by appointment, if needed.